Word of Mouth Marketing by Andy Sernovitz

December 13, 2010

Normally, I read a book and write about it.  This time around, I’m just saying that I’ve started reading the book.  It comes highly recommended by Jake McKee, Chief Strategy Officer for Ant’s Eye View (disclaimer: Ant’s Eye View is a thinkspace member).  In Jake’s words:
“The one piece of advice I’ve consistently give each and every one of these small business owners is simple: Buy Word of Mouth Marketing , read it, and then we’ll sit down and talk about how to implement the principles of the book.
You know how many have both bought and read the book? None.
As a small business owner, I know how difficult it can be. I understand how many hours go into running the business. But if you’re not always, and I mean ALWAYS thinking about how to drive your business to the next level, you’re failing. There’s are plenty of reasons a vast majority of small businesses fail, and lack of forward planning is big one.”
So here I am, ready to dive in. I’m already planning to bookclub this at thinkspace, add a comment to this post and let me know you want to join me!


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