Ensure First Day Success With These 3 Tips

December 14, 2010

With the coming of a new year, many companies experience a change in their team. Whether you will be the one joining a new team this year or you’re hiring a new team member, you always want to make this experience as enjoyable as possible. When you start a new job many employees want to know how to excel on their first day. If you are an employer who is hiring a new employee you may wonder how you can make this experience as pleasant as possible. Either way, a first day on the job can be an anxious time for both employee and employer. Consider the following items to ensure success:
1. First Impressions Are Crucial – Remember, you never have a second chance to make a first impression. So, if you are a first time employee, be sure you are on-time, of course, dressed to impress and don’t forget any resources that you may need for the day. For the employer, you should ensure the office space or private offices for the employee are ready in advance. An employee does not want to spend their first day removing your old, used coffee cups from there cubical – unless you hired them for janitorial services! (thinkspace offers part time and full time office space, so don’t hesitate to call if you need a larger office or an additional one for your newest employee.)
2. Training is Fundamental – For the employee, you must approach your new job with an open mind. The way the company does things might not be exactly what you are accustomed to and you may even know a better way, but the first day on the job may not be the best time to start trying to change their “business as usual”. As an employer, you will want to have the training prepared in advance. There is nothing more frustrating to an employee then being expected to complete a task that they know nothing about.
3. Introductions of Importance – On the first day introductions are very important. As a new employee, take the time to introduce yourself to those that seem appropriate. Use a firm handshake and make eye contact and make it a point to remember their name. As an employer, take the new employee around the office and introduce them to the people they will be working with and their manager. You may also want to introduce them to individuals in upper management, if it seems necessary.
These simple steps will help ensure that the first day on the job goes well for both the employee and the employer. By following these steps and being prepared you are showing that you care.


Picture of Alyssa Magnotti

Alyssa Magnotti