StudentRND holding CodeDay in thinkspace Mobile Innovation Hub

June 27, 2012

StudentRND is holding CodeDay this weekend in the thinkspace Mobile Innovation Hub! Are you ready?
CodeDay is this weekend! Get ready to pitch ideas, form teams, and build amazing things over the course of a weekend!
And it’s only $10 to attend! Register today, and let your friends know about the event!
Schedule & Format:
Saturday, June 30th:
Noon – Opening Presentations
1PM – Pitch ideas & Form Teams, and Pizza
2-7PM – Workshops
Sunday, July 1st:
4PM – Judges walk around and talk with teams
5PM – Presentations
6:30PM – Awards
Charlie Kindel:
Charlie Kindel is a 21-year Microsoft vetran, and most recently led the Windows Phone 7 effort. Last year, he left Microsoft to pursue entrepreneurship, and in his free time, advises and invests in local startups.
At CodeDay, Charlie will be talking about Tech Trends, and Problems You Can Solve with Technology.
Joe Justice:
Joe Justice develops software, but in his free time, runs WIKISPEED, an team of volunteers around the globe that teamed up to build a 100+mpg car that goes from 0-60 in less than 5 seconds. Joe will talk about how he led the team of volunteers, and how you can lead a team to accomplish amazing results.
Scott Porad:
Working at Cheezburger Network as the CTO, Scott knows a thing or two about entertaining the internet, and building products that people want. He’ll demonstrate aspects on the Lean Startup, and show you how to eliminate waste when building a product, and discovering what your users want.
Carter Rabasa:
Twilio is a web-service API that lets you use your existing web languages and skills to build phone and SMS apps. Carter will demonstrate how to use the Twilio API to build cool apps!
David Tyler:
A StudentRND alumni, David Tyler runs Tapin.TV. He’ll share his journey in entrepreneurship, from getting started, to raising money and moving down to Silicon Valley.
We hope you’ll be able to attend!


Picture of thinkspace
