What Does Quantum Physics Have to Do With Being in a Startup?

August 6, 2011

I had a conversation earlier this week with Katharine Kim, a mindset coach and personal trainer. Katharine is very much into health, wellness and fitness and runs a company called Revolution Self Image. During our conversation we naturally gravitated to talking about quantum physics because isn’t that what two business people normally discuss?!
Without turning this blog post into a science paper, the basic premise of Quantum Physics is that we create reality by observing it. You can watch this video about the Double Slit Experiment for a better explanation. Katharine says “Bottom line of the experiment: Matter (the electrons) changed according to how the observer was observing. Thoughts become things. Whatever you focus on, becomes your reality.”
Katharine also talked to me about how everything is in motion and is in a constant state of vibration. Vibration is moving at a specific frequency. Since each of us is made up energy our thoughts and feelings are being projected out from us at certain frequency. When I think about this, it seems to make sense when I’m around really happy people they are operating at a higher frequency than when I’m around un-happy people which are operating a lower frequency.

The Energy of a Startup

I’ve worked in some pretty cool work environments. The environments that I’ve liked best are with startups. The reason is because of the natural energy inside a startup. People are naturally jacked up and energized while working on their startup. There’s a ton of enthusiasm, hope, and excitement. It’s the kind of feeling that rubs off on you and can even energize you. When starting up thinkspace, I was always thinking, I want to create an environment where I can go and be around really smart people, feel the energy of startup without having to go work for companies like Google or Microsoft back in the early days.
The thing that I didn’t realize is that it’s not so much the work that is being done but the attitude of the people. When you get a bunch of entrepreneurs that are all working on different things but because they all share a natural affinity towards passion and inspiration it’s going to have an energy that you’re not going to feel any place else. I’m dead certain that this is what I’m feeling and what keeps me charged up.

Success Breeds Success

Every day when I spend time talking with other entrepreneurs I hear their success stories and I can’t help but be inspired and motivated. When I hear about a persons success it just makes me want to also achieve success. Some people call it the Law of Attraction, but, whatever you want to call it, I would have to say that once you start to achieve success you just want that success to keep on coming. In the business world you might hear people call it momentum. In terms of the Law of Attraction, it’s the positive thoughts that keep coming to you all the time.

Connecting to People at the Same Frequency

Have you ever had a conversation with someone where you just couldn’t stop talking with them or came away feeling totally charged up? That’s because the person is operating at the same frequency as you. In my daily interaction with people, my team, and new people that I encounter, I’m starting to seek out the people that I’m at the same frequency with. It’s a natural real connection that you get with people that can’t be forced. When I talk with people, I either feel energized, indifferent, or drained.
This is a question that I ask myself after I interview a person for a job, do I feel more energized after spending time with that person or do I feel exhausted. The reason I ask myself this is because if I have to work with someone for many hours a day, I certainly hope that I have that feeling of being energized. That means we’re operating at the same frequency. If I feel drained, that doesn’t mean the person is a bad person, it just means we’re probably not meant to be working together.

The Power of Thought

I’m a dreamer, in fact I think my second grade teacher said that I was a day dreamer. The thing that I’ve been starting to do is take those crazy monolithic dreams and write them down on paper. The interesting thing is that once it gets put down on paper, it starts to become reality. There’s a saying: “A goal that is not written down is just a dream”. Some time come talk with me about this one and I’ll share with you what I’m goals I’ve written down and how they just start happening. It’s kind of like having a BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal), a goal so big it just pulls you into the future.


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