Future of Mobile: Where's it all headed?

August 20, 2012

Charlie KindelThe world is on fire about “mobile”. Yes, it’s old news (early 2012) the number of smartphone sales has exceeded the number of PC sales. Ok, but where are things really headed? If you’re a small business is now the time to think about making sure that you’re website is mobile friendly? I just looked at my Google Analytics and 26% of my website traffic is now coming from a mobile device. Of that 82% is coming from an iPhone or iPad. The remaining 18% comes from Android, while Microsoft Windows Phone is just a fraction of 1%.
We are very lucky to have Charlie Kindel, a Seattle angel investor and former general manager of Microsoft’s Windows Phone unit, who will be presenting on the Future of Mobile!
Register here for the event, August 28 at 6pm!
Here’s my list of questions for Charlie:

  • Should we develop on iOS, Android, or Windows Phone or can we just “Write Once Run Anywhere”?
  • Is HTML5 going to nuke native apps?
  • How will Android fix their fragmentation problem?
  • Who’s going to win the mobile payments battle?
  • What are people doing on mobile that they aren’t doing online?
  • What does Microsoft have to do to get back in the game?


What are your questions for Charlie?

More about Charlie Kindel: Charlie Kindel is founder & CEO of a Seattle startup doing innovative things where space and time collide (www.bizlogr.com). He is an active angel investor, mentor and advisor in the Seattle startup community. Charlie was previously the GM for the Windows Phone 7 app platform at Microsoft. During his 21 year tenure at Microsoft, Charlie built a broad range of products and technologies ranging from Internet Explorer to Windows Media Center, Windows Home Server, and Windows Phone 7. He started his first software company while in high school in 1983 and built some of the earliest shareware apps for Windows. He is passionate about customer focus, lean methods, going deep technically, soccer, and cars. Read his musings about startups, technology, and other random things on his blog and follow him on twitter @ckindel.


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