Alyssa Magnotti: The past, present, and future

June 24, 2011

I’d like to share with our community that Alyssa Magnotti has been promoted into a new position here at thinkspace. As an entrepreneur, I forget all the time to recognize the wins and take a moment to pause. The win that I’m recognizing today is that I’ve finally got my #2 in place! Alyssa’s new title is COO and is a part of my executive team. It’s exciting for me because I can’t think of anyone that would be a better fit for this position. I’ve been making a lot of changes over the last few years and this year I’m working on filling the gaps by forming a new Board of Advisors (which is another exciting announcement for another day) and nurturing my employees. In a small company, things are moving so rapidly it’s sometimes hard to slow down enough to recognize the wins and celebrate.

The Past and Present

Over the last few years here, Alyssa began her journey as the Community Manager. She later took on the role focusing on Business Development. It’s through these two positions that she has help create a wonderful community inside thinkspace. I’ve really enjoyed working with her and watching her evolve and grow both personally and professionally. Alyssa exemplifies all of our core values and has natural leadership abilities. Alyssa has helped me shape this company to what it is today starting with our most important asset, our people. She’s been directly involved with the hiring and mentoring of every single person on our team. She has also been a part of almost every major decision I’ve made along the way. She’s been my #2 and partner without the formal title until now.

The Future

Tom Peter’s says “Leaders don’t create followers, they create more leaders”. I’m doing my best to lead, by getting out of her way so she can be a great leader in her new role. Today, I pause and appreciate what she has already done for me and the company, but, like true entrepreneurs, tomorrow we’re going to be running toward the future. Please take a moment and join me in celebrating Alyssa’s promotion!


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