'APP'racadabra: Mobile App Symposium

June 22, 2011

As an entrepreneur do you have an idea for a mobile app but have always thought I’m not technical enough, it’s too difficult, it’s too expensive, it’s too challenging? Want to talk about your idea and figure out a way to create that application? Do you have an idea but want a working prototype before you show it to investors? If you answered yes to any of these questions then this is the event for you.
Event Description:
The event is open to all entrepreneurs who want to learn how to start building this great mobile app they keep talking about. During the meeting we’ll actually build the complete working prototype of a mobile application. The tool we’ll use, Canappi, requires minimum coding knowledge (if you can write an HTML page, you can use Canappi). Please send your submission (some basic wireframes and graphics like a splashscreen, logo…) to Kristin Eide. We will select an idea and build it during the meeting and teach everyone else how to do the same thing. Here’s where you can RSVP for APPracadabra: Mobile App Symposium which is June 30, 2011 from 6-8pm.

Leading our workshop is Jean-Jacques Dubray, the Founder of Canappi, a Mobile Application Development Platform for iPhone and Android. He has built software solutions for the semi-conductor, defense, financial and telco industries over the past 25 years.


Picture of thinkspace
