5 Useful Blackberry Apps

June 21, 2011

If you’re one of the few remaining Blackberry users out there you probably find yourself feeling a little left behind when reading about the amazingly-innovative Apple and Android apps on the market. I (Kristin) still use a Blackberry for two very specific reasons.  1) I had two Android phones and shattered the screen on 4 devices (I had insurance luckily!). However, I learned that this isn’t necessarily the phone’s problem… more so the fact that I am super clumsy and I need a bullet proof device that can accomodate me. 2) I like having a keyboard with buttons (just a personal preference thing).
Although, I wish I could use instagr.am, Words With Friends, and even our very own thinkspace member’s application, MeMeTales, I have found these 5 Blackberry apps to be extremely useful. Let me know what you think, and if you have any applications that you would add to the list!
1. Who Is It- LED Light Alerts for Contacts

This free app allows you to assign LED light notification colors for different contacts. I have assigned all of my highly frequented contacts with a different color. It’s nice to see who has called, texted, or emailed you without looking at the screen.

2. UberSocial

UberSocial is a full-featured Twitter application. In my opinion, it’s the best Twitter client available for Blackberry.

3. YouMail Visual Voicemail

YouMail allows you to listen to your voicemail messages without dialing into your mailbox. This application sends you an email when you have a voicemail with an attached .wav file. I personally hate calling my voicemail box so this application has made checking my voicemails far less painful.

4. Taxi Magic

I use Taxi Magic for when I need to order a cab. The app gives you the ability to schedule out cab rides in the future. Taxi Magic services Orange Cab, and I have found that the wait time between their mobile app inquiries and phone inquiries are the same.

5. AccuWeather for Blackberry

The AccuWeather app doesn’t do anything spectacular compared to most weather apps. However, it does place a small temperature icon on your home screen. It’s nice to glance at my home screen and see what the temperature is outside.

I still adore my trusty Blackberry Bold phone. It has survived many falls and still manages to call, text, email, tweet, check in, and wake me up in the morning. And for now, that’s all I ask for!


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