Why You Should Keep Learning A Lifelong Priority

July 30, 2019

Goal crushing attitude.
Lifetime learner.

These are the three core values at thinkspace. These values resinate with me deeply, both professionally and personally; this compatibility is one of the reasons I love working at thinkspace. There is no project turned down afraid I won’t be able to crush it, we start every morning as a team sharing wins we’ve had, and shouting out gratitude for someone on the team that supported us. This is how companies can live their core values: by practicing them daily. Being a lifetime learner, our final core value is something I think often about. We have the opportunity to learn everyday from our colleagues, members here at thinkspace, and mentors in our life. Whether it’s learning new vocabulary, services a member provides, practicing skills needed to have difficult conversations, discovering a hack that will provide simplicity in an everyday task, or learning a language to help us on an upcoming trip, there’s always something to expand our minds on.

In business, “to stay relevant, hungry and motivated, it’s important to make a lifelong commitment to education and growth,” states Timothy Sykes, VIP Contributor to Entrepreneur.com. Benefits of lifelong learning isn’t limited to personal fulfillment, like when I learned how to set up a tent to go backpacking for the first time. Lifelong learning also isn’t maintained to the four walls of a classroom; no one is suggesting that you must collect master’s degrees in order to prove it. You learn from others, from reading, from traveling, and experiences. You learn from successes and learn from failures and all of it is meaningful.

For both personal and professional reasons, being a lifetime learner is going to reap benefits. I love this “quick guide that proves why we’re never too old or experienced to pick up new business tricks but here are some of the highlights provided.” Don’t be shy- we’d also love to hear some of your go-to’s when learning something new.

  1. To keep generating new ideas. If you really want to invite inspiration to strike, make a commitment to learning something new every single day by reading books, following podcasts, staying updated with the news or pursuing any number of resources that can expose you to new ideas and concepts.
  2. To maintain your passion. Go ahead, become obsessed with your industry. Read books by relevant leaders, follow podcasts in your field and follow movers and shakers on social media. You’ll become inspired by the cool things going on within it and tap into the inner passion for what you do.
  3. To make better conversation. When you have a wider field of interests and knowledge, you’re able to connect more deeply with a wider variety of people, which can lead to opportunities and collaborations that can further your career.
  4. To banish boredom. Fascination with a particular topic can be engaging and exciting, give you a greater sense of purpose and excitement in both your career and in your everyday life.
  5. For better work-life balance. When you take a break from monotonous working to focus on expanding your mind, it’s like a break for your brain from its regularly scheduled programming. 
  6. For your health. For instance? While using your brain won’t necessarily prevent Alzheimer’s, frequently learning new things can delay symptoms, which can improve your quality of life.



Picture of Stephanie Slaton

Stephanie Slaton