What Are You Thankful For

November 21, 2012

This week we posted a turkey on the wall and asked people to write down what they are thankful for. Here’s a sample of the things that our community wrote:

“My family, my faith, my health, my business, my friends, and my whiskey” – Matt Heinz, Heinz Marketing

“To God for His blessings. To my husband for his love.” – Michelle Hollomon, Eastside Counseling and Coaching

“All the amazing people in my life. They keep me strong!” – Savannah Bridge, thinkspace

“I am thankful to Apple Crate Marketing, I like to work here.” – Swati, Apple Crate Marketing

“Faith, family, friends, and our amazing country” – Dan Vache, United Fresh Produce

“The two cutest nephews in the world – Cooper and Jack!” – Anon

“My family. They support me no matter what I do… or where I move.” – Jamie Sturn, thinkspace

“PointGrow is thankful for thinkspace!” – Anon

“My family, for the unconditional love and support they give me” – Katie-Marie Allworth, thinkspace

“For my daughter, family, God, friends, I am thankful for all of you” – Anne Marie Bachman, Hammerhouse

“My Dad. He’s the most amazing person in my life and I’m so lucky to have him!” – Sami Dyer, thinkspace

“I’m thankful for over 3 years at thinkspace! Thanks guys!” – Michelle

“I’m thankful for my family, my health, friends, my team (Savannah, Sami, Katie, Jamie, Annie, and Shonda), my company, and all the thinkspace members. I am blessed to have you in my life!” – Peter Chee, thinkspace

There are a lot of things to really appreciate. What else are you thankful for?


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