Twitter 101 Workshop

May 29, 2009

On May 21st, I gave a presentation on Twitter and Social Media for Business at the Sammamish Chamber of Commerce Luncheon.  There was strong interest to have a Twitter 101 Workshop as a followup meeting.  I’m now holding a Twitter 101 Workshop on June 16th from 7-9pm where we will go through the basics to get people started as well as some marketing strategies on how to use Twitter for your business.  I will also see if I can lineup a special guest speaker from the 140 | The Twitter Conference.  On May 26-27, the first Twitter Conference was held by Steve Broback and Jason Preston (The Parnassus Group).  Over 300 people attended that event and from what I hear it was a big success.
Here’s a link to my PowerPoint deck from the Sammamish Chamber Luncheon.
If you are interested in attending please contact me at peter [at] thinkspace [dot] com.  Also, this is a workshop event, so feel free to bring your laptop — I’ll provide the wifi.


Picture of thinkspace
