Seattle Community: Party @OfficeNomads w/ Tara Hunt @missrogue, and BarCampSeattle #bcs09

June 15, 2009

Jacob Sayles, Susan Evans, me, Tara Hunt

This last weekend was an amazing display of what Seattle Community is like.  My weekend kicked off Friday night at Office Nomads in Seattle.  I’ve been to a few other ON gatherings and always meet some really nice people and always have a great time.
Tara Hunt (@missrogue) was a special guest and talked a little about her new book “The Whuffie Factor“.  I got my autographed copy of the book and haven’t been able to put the book down.  At the event, Tara says “the book basically takes a look at re-framing the idea of marketing in the sense of instead of approaching marketing as I want to make a sale or transaction, I need to raise social capital like everyone else does in these online communities”.  The book covers five different ways to earn social capital:

  1. Shut up and start listening
  2. Be part of a community you serve
  3. Create amazing customer experiences
  4. Embrace the chaos
  5. Find your higher purpose

I’m going to review the book in more detail at another time and am thinking of having a little gathering to discuss this book if people would be interested.  Tweet or DM @thinkspace if you would be interested. I think a discussion on earning social capital would be really fun.
The other part of my weekend was going to BarCampSeattle 2009.  I find it absolutely incredible that people get together on an adhoc basis to share and learn in an open environment.  While I wasn’t able to attend that many sessions but there was still some fun discussions.
Here’s a picture of grid from Saturday: (click the image to see it big)


Picture of thinkspace
