thinkcamp 2010

February 17, 2010

thinkcamp-logojpgIt’s that time of year again! We are just one month away from thinkcamp 2010! We are aiming to put together an awesome list of super speakers for this year’s thinkcamp. We’ve got so many great businesses within the space and so many people who are extreme experts in their given fields and they are willing to share their knowledge with you!
thinkcamp is an annual event held a thinkspace for the thinkspace community (virtual and physical tenants alike) as well as the Redmond area. We are basically bringing together a group of 6-8 speakers who will be doing TED style presentations (18 minute presentations with 5-10 min of Q&A at the end). The presentations will be on a variety of topics that apply to small businesses and entrepreneurs (or people thinking about becoming an entrepreneur).
thinkcamp will be held on Wednesday, March 17th from 12-4pm. Refreshments and beverages will be provided.
We still have a couple of speaker slots open, so if you are interested in having a full audience’s attention and you have something useful to say, just let me know (alyssa *at* thinkspace *dot* com).
More details and a registration link will be coming soon…


Picture of Alyssa Magnotti

Alyssa Magnotti