The Blog Bling Mixer

October 24, 2008

Last night we had the Blog Bling Mixer. We had a good mix of beginner bloggers as well as some expert bloggers.
We wrote down topics on the whiteboard and everyone had a chance to vote for what they wanted to hear and learn about. The first topic was about “Widgets – What are they, how do they work?”. The second topic was “Adding Google Talk to your blog”, that was something that I had the opportunity to talk about.

Winners of the drawings:
• Joe Kennedy – One free week of coworking
• Andru Edwards – thinkspace schwag – Organic cotton t-shirt
Some of the people that attended were: Steve Parnassus and Jason Preston – Parnassus Group; Andru Edwards – GearLive; Monica Guzman – The Big Blog; Joe Kennedy – Eastside Business; Iris Kao – Iris Kao Desgin; Elizabeth Kasprzak – Facelogic; Maureen Nolan – Windermere; Shona Milne – Woodinville Chamber of Commerce; Mike Weisner – Green Point Technologies; Adam Loving – Adam’s Blog.
I hope everyone found some useful information to take back to their blogs!


Picture of thinkspace
