A post-Super Bowl-post: Stop trying to have a better past.

February 2, 2015

Handling loss.
A fitting topic for this dreary-raining-post-Super-Bowl-Monday morning.
Especially if you’re a Seahawks fan.
Especially if you’re a Seahawks fan that wore her wedding dress+jersey only because that’s what you wore on February 1st, 2014 (thinking, superstitiously, “This better work…”).
Especially if you couldn’t sleep last night because you replayed that last possession over and over in your mind.
So…about that loss…
After a restless night, this morning I’ve found solace in what a friend of mine says:
“If you want to have a better future, stop trying to have a better past.”
There’s nothing we can do with yesterday.
Only what we can do with today.
Feel free to apply that to yesterday’s game, or wherever it is fitting in your life.
Looks like Russell Wilson already has. #leadership #gohawks
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Picture of Annie Duncan

Annie Duncan