Skype Outage? When Skype Fails, Try a Better Option

December 23, 2010

You’ve heard the addage “you get what you pay for.” Well, I definitely think that that’s the case when it comes to Skype. Why would you rely on a free service for your business calls when you can find something that’s next to free that was designed for businesses and entrepreneurs.
thinkspace offers a consumption-based model. You get a phone number (any area code in the US – you pick). You get unlimited extensions (yes, you can fake that you have multiple departments, even if you are just a one-man-show). You get free unlimited features (auto-attendants, find me follow me features, auto-forwarding – it’s all included). It’s all consumption-based. So, you choose a plan with a certain number of minutes and pay for those minutes.
Another great thing is your ability to MAKE calls from this line. There are other companies out there that claim to offer the same thing (for the same price), but they actually “do not offer a dial tone.” (This is how their associate put it when we asked them how we can make calls from our line. Unbelievable.) We offer a dial tone. We offer a business platform. We offer something that can be reliable to you and something that you can’t get anywhere else. We also offer personalized phone answering
Whatever your 2010 looked like, make it a point to make 2011 a better year. thinkspace can help you do that. I’d be happy to talk to you about the ways that we can help. Just give me a call at 425-629-6204 or shoot me an email at alyssa[at]thinkspace[dot]com.


Picture of Alyssa Magnotti

Alyssa Magnotti