Robert Scoble tours thinkspace

February 20, 2009

The Scobleizer came into thinkspace today and interviewed me as I gave him a tour of the space.  Robert tweeted us as the “coworking / office space mashup”.  Robert also had time to interview green tech startup Newline Software, who is pioneering eco-digital preservation software.  We stopped by to see Bart McCormick with Shazam, but unfortunately Bart wasn’t in the office.  Robert now has a comp virtual office at thinkspace when he comes up to Seattle, we even made him a door plaque when he’s in town.

The next time he comes up here I hope to have Sysgain’s taggle service integration complete and he’ll be able to negotiate for real office space through an iPhone.  I’m also hoping that we get a random “Tweet-up” inside here when he comes back into town.  The Eastside tech community could use a few more events around here!


Picture of thinkspace
