Member Spotlight: Sysgain

February 19, 2009

member spotlight - sysgain

Mike Brophy and Sarah Brophy are with Sysgain, a company that has offices in Redmond, Washington DC, and Las Vegas.  Sysgain develops software for the iPhone, provides staffing services, consulting services, and process management.  Mike and Sarah are the driving force behind the Sales, Strategy, and Marketing for Sysgain. Sysgain places engineers, project managers, designers, marketing experts, and instructional designers.
Sysgain is also a Microsoft Preferred Vendor (MSVP) and provides consulting services to Microsoft.   thinkspace is just a few miles away from Microsoft’s campus and is a good base camp for the Microsoft Vendor community.  I remember when I first met Mike, he told me that there just isn’t enough room on campus for Microsoft Vendors and it was either hang out at a coffee shop or head home.
Sysgain also builds business critical applications.  Sysgain develops websites, web apps, mobile apps, and iPhone applications.  One of Sysgain’s strengths is coming up with creative solutions to solve business problems.  With many years of business experience, they see the vision where the other rank developers don’t.
Sysgain’s latest iPhone application is called “taggle“.  In October 2008, the Consumer Electronics Association named the innovative taggle service as one of 15 finalists in its 2008 i-Stage competition.  You will definitely be hearing more about “taggle” on this blog once the service is in beta.  I definitely feel that the taggle service is definitely going to make negotiating for products much more fun.
Sarah on thinkspace: “Since we came into the building we noticed a great sense of community and fellowship.  We really enjoy working with the people here and it’s great to be a part of it”.


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