Now Introducing: Thinkspace Book Club

April 8, 2011

Three Laws of PerformanceAre you an avid reader who is looking for a group to meet with on the Eastside? Look no further, we are officially starting a thinkspace book club!
The thinkspace team spends a lot of time reading- well, we like to think we do at least. Therefore, we are excited about this opportunity, which will allow the thinkspace community to connect and discuss a new book each month. As a group, we will be meeting 1-2x a month over coffee, happy hour, etc. (to be determined by the group) to chat about our learnings, takeaways, and questions surrounding the book of the month.
For the month of April, we have selected The Three Laws of Performance: Rewriting the Future of Your Organization and Your Life by Steve Zaffron and Dave Logan.
Business Book Review said, “The Three Laws of Performance is not about change management. It is about rewriting the future, solving problems, and achieving breakthrough performance. When the Three Laws are applied to situations, performance transforms to a level far beyond what most people think is possible.”
Stay tuned for my personal review of The Three Laws of Performance after we finish it this month. If you’re interested in joining our book club send me an email at Kristin [at] thinkspace [dot] com. Or, you can always reach me us on twitter @thinkspace.


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