First Step in Starting Your Own Business: Take the Leap

April 12, 2011

I just love being inspired! Luckily for me, I’m surrounded by inspiring entrepreneurs every day! However, the “wanna-be entrepreneur” also occasionally stops by to take a tour of thinkspace. There are two types of these wanna-bes; one that believes they can make money from their passion and one that thinks that starting their business will be too hard. Both types are absolutely right.
In my honest (but humble) opinion, too many people build obstacles for themselves. They are too afraid to take the leap into being a business owner. If you have a great idea, then at least attempt to turn it into a great business. What’s the worst thing that can happen? You could fail. But, who ever said that failure has to be a bad thing?
Too often I hear wanna-bes say, “Well, I’m not good at finances” or “I’m not sure how to get the funding I need.” Let me tell you a little secret: you don’t have to know everything about starting your own business to do so! If you are not good at numbers, then hire a part-time bookkeeper. If you aren’t sure about funding then hire a consultant that can help you land some cash. I know what you’re thinking! If you don’t have money to hire someone, then find a partner that excels in the areas where you do not. Or, look into creating an internship program. Or, make some smart friends. But, don’t give up!
There are also hundreds of companies around the world whose main mission as a business is to help you start your business! These companies come in many shapes and sizes and their services vary (which means it should be easy to find one that fits your needs). There are incubators, start-up advisors; there may even be friends of yours that might be able to give you a hand.
Then, there are places like thinkspace. We aren’t quite an incubator, but we take a great interest in the success of our members. And, all of our members take a great interest in each other. Our community members work to help the rest of our community succeed. Whether that’s having a discussion based on a topic that many are struggling with or two companies choosing to partner up to create a new product. The point is, people here are focused on their own and others success and that’s something that just can’t be taken for granted.
Want to know my advice? Stop making up excuses. Stop being afraid of failure. Give yourself a chance and at least give it an attempt. Who knows, you might accidentally create the next big thing!


Picture of Alyssa Magnotti

Alyssa Magnotti