Welcome to the Team Kim & Nikki!

April 1, 2015

This spring has been an exciting time for the thinkspace team, and we are delighted to introduce our most recent additions: Nikki Barron, Marketing Manager and Kim Pua, Member Coordinator. Here is your chance to get to know them a little better!
Favorite weekday lunch spot?
KIM: Sip Thai Bistro. Everything I’ve had there has been delicious. Try the Chiang Mai Noodles (curry noodle soup with artistic flair) or something off of their seasonal menu. They have a large selection of loose leaf teas, too!
NIKKI: For a quick lunch, I really enjoy Blue C Sushi. If I have time, I love Cafe Turko. Get the rainbow hummus—I promise you won’t regret it!
Best book you’ve read this year?
KIM: I really enjoyed Tuesdays With Morrie. It was a very touching story that made me (and still does) reflect on what, and who, in life is important.
NIKKI: I recently finished The Hard Thing About Hard Things. I also have a startup that I’m working on, and it had great advice.
What do you love most about living in the Pacific Northwest?
KIM: The many outdoor activities that are easily accessible, the greenness, having the ocean on one side of our state and the desert on the other. Bordering Canada’s not bad either!
NIKKI: The PNW is one of the most vibrant places I’ve ever been. The amount of variety and individuality is beautiful

  • Connect with Kim on Linkedin and be sure to stop by the front desk and say hello!
  • Connect with Nikki on Linkedin. Want to have a marketing brainstorm session? Email [email protected] to set up a 15 minute coffee appointment. 


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