Nicole Donnelly at thinkspace

October 16, 2009

Wednesday, November 4th  |  12:00pm  |  thinkspace
Nicole Donnelly, Founder of BabyLegs
“Selling cookies for profit as a little girl was the first in a long line of successful entrepreneurial ventures. Whether I was riding off a big jump at the X Games as a world-class professional snowboarder or launching, growing, and ultimately selling the majority of Babylegs LLC — an international business — to a major hosiery manufacturer for a price that exceeded even my own high expectations, performing at the top of my game has always been priority one.
“Today, I am fiercely committed to sharing the powerful lessons learned along my journey to empower aspiring and growth-focused entrepreneurs to travel their own remarkable, memorable, and profitable paths to success. What I know for sure is that there is marketplace magic in finding extraordinary solutions to common problems. It’s just a matter of making the right steps, taking the right risks, and being prepared to pick yourself up and keep going when things don’t go your way.
“Serving a leadership role for the Entrepreneurs Organization as EO Accelerator Chair offers me the rewarding opportunity to guide growth-oriented businesses from $250,000 through the million dollar mark. I enjoy giving back to a global network of truly outstanding business owners that have been equally generous in providing personal and professional resources to guide my own journey. My daughter and husband inspire me every day to reach higher, think bigger, and to find humor in the chaos of entrepreneurial life.” Nicole Donnelly, Founder of Babylegs
Nicole will be sharing a bit about her journey and what it took to bring her company full circle, from founding to eventually selling. If you are planning on coming to this event and have something that you would specifically like to hear from Nicole, please email me and I will pass on the information to our speaker!
Hope to see you there! For more information, please email: alyssa [at] thinkspace [dot] com.


Picture of Alyssa Magnotti

Alyssa Magnotti