Growing Your Business

August 8, 2011

Starting a business can be tough stuff. It can take years to get your company to the level that you want it to be. But, once you’ve become confident in your business model and the way things are going for your current business, you may start thinking about expanding and growing your business. Growing a company can be awesome but it can take a lot of hard work and dedication and there are definitely things you should keep in mind. Below, I’ve listed three important things to keep in mind if you are thinking about growing your business.

1.     Learn from those around you.

Even though this might be your first business you don’t have to make a bunch of mistakes. There are so many people who have started their own business before you. Learn from their mistakes.

2.     Hire people smarter than you.

You really don’t have to be all things to all people. Figure out what your good at and hire other people to do everything else.

3.     Don’t grow for the sake of growth.

Make sure that you are making your decision to grow your company at the right time. Don’t just grow for the sake of growth. Make sure you are ready for more hard work and that your company can handle the expansion.
Do you have anything to add to this? Any other tips that I missed or experiences with growing your own business that you would like to share?


Picture of Alyssa Magnotti

Alyssa Magnotti