Danielle Bartoletti our new team member!

March 20, 2010

I’m delighted to introduce Danielle Bartoletti to our thinkspace Community.  Danielle is a Coug. (yes, Dawgs and Cougs can co-exist on the same team).  Danielle went to WSU and has BA in Sociology with a concentration in Business and Economics.  My personal feeling is that this type of degree is excellent because life and business is all about people, and it takes a smart person to understand people, connect and make meaningful relationships. It also takes a person with a good heart which Danielle has! Danielle also has extensive work experience in the hospitality and event planning industries working at the Hilton and Washington National Golf Course (Home of the Huskies!).  Danielle is a golfer who can drive it 200 yards and is now in charge of planning the 3rd Annual thinkspace Golf Tournament! Please stop by, say hello and welcome her to our community!


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