"Creating a job feels like winning"

April 14, 2010

I just finished reading an article in the USA Today column titled “Give thanks to job creators“. I am honored that every day I work in a community of entrepreneurs, startups, non-profits, small businesses who are not only doing the very thing that they are passionate about, but, I see new jobs being created and people being hired. It also takes nerves of steel to be able to create new jobs.
“It’s an outlook that’s unfortunately rare these days. While the recession might officially be over, the 10.2% unemployment rate is still high enough that politicians have become obsessed with job creation. Of course, few politicians actually create jobs. Most new jobs exist because an entrepreneur like Martinez decides to start a business and then add employees. This is perilous in the best of times. When the economy is weak, it requires nerves of steel… Creating a job feels like winning.”
I’ve had a number of conversations with CEO’s in my Entrepreneur Organization about how great it is to be able to scratch and claw to grow our businesses in this economy and create jobs in the process. We as group, definitely have extremely high expectations for our employees and we also recognize how hard it is to create a single job. Michael Brown, founder of Affirma Consulting, also told me how much he cares about his employees. Michael also told me that he treats his company very serious and wants his employees to be very high performers because if an employee does not perform at a high level, they are putting at risk their fellow co-workers jobs and their families at risk. Quite a big impact when you don’t have high performing employees. The reverse can be said when you have an entire company of employees that are giving it everything that they have.
It’s very cool and inspiring to be surrounded in an environment where there are companies that are successfully growing in this economy and jobs are being created.


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