Changes at the Redmond Chamber of Commerce

April 22, 2011

I don’t normally share other organizations emails on the thinkspace Blog but I feel like it’s important to recognize Chris Hoffman (whom we will miss!) for her contributions and also share the message from the Redmond Chamber Board to our own members.  Here’s an email from Tom Martin, Redmond Chamber – Board of Trustees Chair:
On behalf of the board of the Greater Redmond Chamber of Commerce, I want to take this opportunity to thank Chris Hoffman for her service as Executive Director.  Chris provided great leadership during significant times of change and economic challenges.  She developed strong relationships with city and state officials, advocating the interests of local business.  Chris also developed a staff that provides great service to our members on a daily basis.  As we all hope in our professional careers, Chris has left the Chamber better than she found it.
With leadership changes, comes uncertainty, but also opportunity.  That is equally true with this transition.  This is a unique time in Redmond.  We have a business friendly, city government that has created a new Economic Development Alliance.   We have a remarkable school district and world class employers.  The Realize Redmond effort has great vision for making our city more livable.
It is in times like these that we need to look for alignment of purpose and synergistic opportunities.  Imagine city government, school district, chamber, foundation and economic development organizations working toward a common aim.  Imagine the compelling story that can be created together and the powerful ability to make that vision come to fruition when organizations like these work together.  Truly the sum of these parts can create a greater whole.
This context of cooperation and alignment is the environment into which we are going to recruit and hire a new Executive Director for the GRCC.  The need to be a consensus builder and a relationship oriented executive are paramount.  We think it may take about 6 months to fill the Executive Director position.  We will use this time to look at economies that can be created between the GRCC and the Redmond Economic Development Alliance.  We will coordinate fund raising activities with REDA and the Realize Redmond organization. Meanwhile we will announce an interim chamber executive director to focus on membership growth and services.
Change is difficult and at the same time exhilarating.  The board is committed to making this transition as smooth as possible.  We are also committed to look at all the possibilities that are presented to us.  If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at [email protected].  I especially want to thank the Chamber staff of Danielle, Carla and Gary for their tireless efforts in making the Chamber successful.
Tom Martin, Greater Redmond Chamber – Board of Trustees Chair
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