Create Massive Demand For Your Business

April 26, 2011

How can you create massive demand for your business? Tonight, Paul Anderson with Prolango Consulting will be speaking at a Biznik event where he will address this pressing question. According to the event page, Paul will explain “how to get an explosive number of clients where you actually have to hire more people to service the new demand.” In a time period where most companies are simply trying to survive an economic downturn, I love that Paul is putting on an event that’s more about reaching the goals that you set for yourself before the recession hit than having enough money for the next pay-period.
Most new business owners dream about the day that they can hire their first employee. Naturally, this event is packed since recently people have been doing a lot more “dreaming” than they have been “doing.” People want to know what the big secret is to creating demand. But, if we want to be honest with ourselves, we all know that the path to creating massive demand is not going to be one silver bullet. You will have to do a collection of things to get your company to the level that you’ve (to this point) only dreamed of.
There are numerous things that you’ll have to do day-in and day-out to make your customers clamor for your business. I know Paul knows this, so I can’t wait to hear about what he thinks the most-important things are. Personally (and probably obviously) I think that having a truly exceptional product and unbelievably good customer service can help you get that demand. But enough about me. What about you? What do you think is one thing that would help create massive demand for your business?
* The event tonight is sold out, but you can follow the tweets from the event by searching #Biznik on Twitter (if someone knows the specific event hashtag, please clue me in).


Picture of Alyssa Magnotti

Alyssa Magnotti