Bacon, Beer, & Freedom

July 4, 2015

As I write this post, I am sitting on the deck overlooking the Puget Sound, consuming three pieces of bacon, wondering if it’s too early for an IPA, and thinking about freedom. Having recently returned from a trip to the beautiful land of Israel, there are certain aspects of our country’s freedom that I am more aware of and grateful for. The word freedom is an interesting one. We use it a lot to describe our rights and entitlements. In my own profession, we use it to describe what we’ve been “freed from” and therefore what we’re “freed to receive.” Freedom is defined as the absence of restraint resulting in the state of being free.
Therefore, freedom is a two-fold action! The absence of what’s restraining you results in a euphoric state of freedom. You can’t have one without the other.
Today we raise a glass to freedom and celebrate this country.
Freedom is a gift we all agree we are thankful for.
What ways can you celebrate personal freedoms in your own life? In other words, fill-in-the-blank: “The absence of ________ will free me to ________.”
Let freedom ring in this country and in your life!
Happy 4th of July. Stay safe out there and make good decisions!


Picture of Annie Duncan

Annie Duncan