52 Books in a Year: Week 3

April 12, 2013

historyoflove“Once upon a time there was a boy who loved a girl, and her laughter was a question he wanted to spend his whole life answering.”
This week, I re-read my favorite book of all time – The History of Love, by Nicole Krauss.  I’m pretty sure this was my fifth time through the book.  The endearing tale intertwines two stories: one is about an elderly Polish man named Leo who spends his time making sure he won’t die on a day that he goes unseen.  The other is about a teenage girl named Alma, who goes on an adventure to find out more about her namesake.  Throughout the entire book, the readers know Leo and Alma’s path must cross at some point.  Is Leo Alma’s grandfather, or are they distantly related?  The conclusion of the book reveals their connection, which always leaves me in tears.  Tears because the book is over, and tears because the conclusion is the climax of relational beauty and depth. Read it, and re-read it.
Interesting fact: Nicole Krauss is married to my other favorite author, Jonathan Safran Foer.
What else have I read during my yearlong reading project?
–> Week 1  –> Week 2


Picture of Annie Duncan

Annie Duncan