iOS Developers- Win an iPad 2 and REMIX a Game at Seattle Mind Camp 7

August 17, 2011

iOS game developer challenge at Seattle Mind CampSeattle Mind Camp 7 is happening at thinkspace this weekend. Mind Camp is a self-organized 24-hour unconference designed to bring creative minds of all sorts together. Seattle Mind Camp sponsor, Monster Costume will be hosting a 12-Hour Remix iOS Challenge! First, you’ve gotta be registered for Seattle Mind Camp 7 in order to participate, and attendance is free for all iOS developers (send an email to Andru [at]
The REMIX challenge will start at 9:00pm on Saturday- it’ll go through the night (don’t worry, Mind Camp will have a session showing how to make your own energy drinks that evening as well!) and in the morning, Monster Costume will crown a winning team – and all three team members will win an Apple iPad 2.
A few more pertinent details:
They recommend teams of three – but don’t worry, teams can be created in advance, or on the fly at the event itself.
Monster Costume will give you and your team members the existing source code of a never-before-published, bare bones, functional iOS game. It is then your task to take that code, and mash on it until it’s a game of unsurpassed brilliance (or, you know, until 12 hours is up.)
At the completion of the 12-Hour Remix Challenge, the team with the most outstanding game (as determined by the esteemed panel of judges and the Mind Camp attendees) will be named the winner! Games will be measured on creativity, gameplay, and use of the iOS touchscreen feature set. If you win, Monster Costume will partner with your team to publish the game to the App Store if you choose.
What’s the game to be remixed? You’ll find out at 9:01pm, August 20th
To participate in the REMIX at Mind Camp, head on over to Monster Costume’s registration page to enter the 12-Hour Remix Challenge!


Picture of thinkspace
