Tech Tuesday- Sales for Startups by Matt Heinz Recap

September 21, 2011

Sales for Startups Presentation Matt Heinz
Matt Heinz presenting to the group

Yesterday, we hosted a Tech Tuesday talk discussing Sales for Startups by Matt Heinz of Heinz Marketing. Matt spent an hour sharing his startup sales expertise with our community. If you were unable to join us for the event. You can check out yesterday’s slideshare presentation below:

[slideshare id=9348353&doc=2011-9-20salesforstartupsdeck-110920163001-phpapp01]

Matt Heinz recently published his newest book, Sales for Startups. If y ou would like to purchase a hard copy, you can do so on Or, you can access a free digital copy of his book here.

Sales for Startup Event
Sales for Startups Attendees


Picture of thinkspace
