Post Three Day Weekend Slump

July 5, 2011

We all love our three day weekend mini vacations. However, returning to the office on Tuesday can be a bit of a struggle after three days of junk food, later than usual nights, and too much sunshine. Also, after having three days off it feels like the Tuesday to-dos we set out for ourselves on Friday were forever ago.
I read a FastCompany article this morning titled, “How to Dig Out After a Long Weekend” by Kevin Purdy and started thinking. Why do our scheduled vacations create more stress than they relieve?
In order to minimize this stress Purdy recommends:

  1. Organize your desk before leaving for the weekend to eliminate unnecessary chaos in your work environment.
  2. Clean up your to-do list. Figure out what items are actually a priority.
  3. Don’t panic, stick you your routine, and don’t eliminate your necessary breaks.

I think it’s important to remember that almost everyone else is in the exact same boat. When looking at your flooded inbox, consider the fact that the people you’re responding to are looking at their inbox with the same fearful eyes.
What do you do to jump back into your routine right away?


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