Meditation and Yoga Makes You More Resilient as an Entrepreneur

February 12, 2018

Just finished a 14 mile run. However the first thing I did before I ran this AM was my Headspace sports meditation. The biggest opponent is always inside and my crazy has a loud voice. I believe that meditation and yoga makes me more resilient as an athlete and entrepreneur.
I feel like I’m on my way to being able to take on anything and later this year I’ll find out while I push equally hard to do an Ironman and raise money to grow and scale thinkspace. I’m starting to feel like I’m drawing power and energy from mediation + yoga and this isn’t “slowing down” or “self-care” but just another fuel source to ensure I can push harder, become even stronger, and increase my threshold.
For those of you that mediate or practice yoga, how does it help you as an entrepreneur and/or athlete?
As we launch our Lake Union location we’re doing both meditation and yoga at work and training for an Ironman. Join us?


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