I resolve that you should…

December 29, 2015

2016-new-yearIt’s almost the New Year, which means resolutions are just around the corner. I personally love resolutions… the challenge and goal-setting fires me up.  One year I resolved to give up sugar.  That resolution lasted two years (and I’ve since made up for the two years void of sugar).
But one huge problem with resolutions is that after the first few weeks of the new year, we rarely stick to those resolutions. Research shows that actually 8% of people keep their goals.  Not exactly inspiring odds.
But research also shows that if you have help – if you have someone who comes alongside you and encourages you with your resolution, then your chances of success increase.  This isn’t that surprising, many of us know that accountability helps to achieve goals.  But accountability with resolutions?  Some resolutions are deeply personal.  Not the kind of thing I want to blast over social media.  And especially with those kinds of resolutions – to overcome an addiction, to be a better parent, to spend more time doing “X” – we need a friend to walk alongside us.  Because we can’t do it alone.
Here’s my suggestion as 2016 closes in on us.  Instead of making a resolution for yourself, make a resolution for someone else.  Talk it over with one close friend or mentor, and see if they will partner with you in this.  You make a resolution for them, and they make one for you.  One of the things we love about the holidays is the spirit of giving – we give gifts to others and receive gifts from others.  Resolutions are usually done alone, and therefore are isolating.  But when we give resolutions to others and receive resolutions from others – they are shared.
And resolutions are more sustainable when shared.
So think of a friend/mentor – what’s your resolution for them in 2016?
That they finish that project they’ve put on the back burner?
That they finally make it to Ireland to visit their ancestors?
That they complete their first 5K race?
Whatever it is, once you’ve thought of it – go and tell them.


Picture of Annie Duncan

Annie Duncan