An Exercise to Help You Articulate Your Startup Idea: Ideation Bootcamp

February 24, 2012

Tonight Dave Parker (Founder Institute Seattle) put on an Ideation Bootcamp one of the exercises that we worked on was to be able to articulate your idea:
Here’s what we worked on:
Step 1: Articulate:
I am developing __(a defined offering)__ to help __(a target audience)__
__(solve a problem)___ __(with secret sauce)__.
Step 2: Evaluate:

  • Simple idea?
  • Identifiable customer?
  • Large enough market?
  • Original?
  • One revenue stream?
  • Easily explainable?
  • Legitimate secret sauce?

It’s a good exercise to get things down into something simple for anyone to understand.


Picture of thinkspace
