TEDxSeattleSalon: Driving Inclusivity with Anastacia-Renee

October 5, 2019

It’s amazing when you dream big and then it happens. 20 months ago when I was meeting with my architect Marvin Yamaguchi and space designer Theresa Benny I was sharing with them that I wanted our Lake Union location to be designed with the possibility of holding a TED type of event. I even went so far to get a round red carpet for the stage. I’m just so happy that THIS is actually happening!

About this event:

Raise your personal and cultural consciousness around driving inclusivity one act at a time. Have you witnessed someone being discriminated against or treated with disrespect, and wish you knew how to be a stronger advocate, an ally? Join Anastacia-Renee in a conversation around effective ally-ship for a better understanding of how to navigate this path.
Step out of your comfort zone and intentionally invite more diversity into your life by:
– Opening your awareness to your own unconscious bias
– Kindly questioning that bias
– Initiating positive action to support those facing discrimination in any situation (e.g. race, gender, culture, economic, sexual orientation, personal beliefs, and other).

Step out of your comfort zone and intentionally invite more diversity into your life. RSVP for the event on Oct. 22 from 6-8pm.


Picture of thinkspace
