Should I Wait For The iPhone 5?

March 22, 2011

When I was in school, I worked two jobs to pay my bills. During the day, I was a busy barista serving tasty coffee concoctions to thirsty regulars. Nights and weekends, I worked as a waitress at a local Greek restaurant that served garlic-infused Gyros to die for. During this time, a substantial portion of my income was attributed to the tips I received on a daily basis. Needless to say, I always seemed to have at least a hundred dollars cash burning a hole in my pocket. For some reason, that cash always seemed to have an odd habit of “disappearing.”
I know quite a few of my friends who’ve had the same issues. I don’t know what it is, but somebody gets even a twenty dollar bill in their hand and it’s gone faster than you can say “Bob’s Your Uncle.” The same is normally true for most with gift cards; and definitely true with myself! If I get a gift card for Christmas, you can bet that it will be spent by New Years. However, this story didn’t ring so true when I got another certain gift card.
I’ve had a $250 Apple Store gift card safely tucked in my purse for going on three months and I just can’t get myself to spend it. I’ve wanted an iPhone for years and now that my favorite carrier has finally launched the phone, I still just can’t get myself to make the purchase! The constant lure of “bigger and better” things to come has me in a seemingly endless state of shopping purgatory. I’m always waiting for Apple’s next big thing.
The iPhone 5 is rumored to have many new and exciting features, but the only thing I really care about is that they may release a white version (vain, I know)! What about the other Apple users out there? Have you already purchased the iPhone 4? Or, are you waiting for the iPhone 5? I’d love your feedback!


Picture of Alyssa Magnotti

Alyssa Magnotti