Ever been laid off? Watch "Lemonade The Movie"

April 29, 2010

I got contacted by Tyler Hurst @tdhurst to see if thinkspace would be interested in doing a screening for “Lemonade The Movie” created by Erik Proulx @eproulx.  After watching the trailer, it brought back the memories of my past back when I got laid off from a startup that I was at back in November 1999.  I knew the company that I was working for was a ship that was going to sink, yet, because I was employee number eight there, I decided that I needed to feel what it was like to ride the ship into the ground. Getting laid off was part of entire experience. In a sense I’m sure it has helped shape me to be who I am today. I recognize that yes it sucks to get laid off no matter what the reason. I’ve come to learn that I’m also not one to let that hold me back or define my happiness.
The thing that I really liked from watching Lemonade was a quote by Michelle Pfennighaus @MPfennighaus who’s now a health counselor and yoga instructor.
“…sometimes there are things that you like to do that you forget about. So put your energy into the things that you love. Put all the energy you can into those things and see what happens.”
Well, here I am, doing exactly that right now and I’m going to see what happens! We’re going to try and set a date in the upcoming month or so to gather and watch this as a group. Let us know if you’re interested to join us…
Updated 6/24/2010:
We are showing the movie on Friday, June 25th at 3PM.  If you’re interested to watch, email events [at] thinkspace.com.


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