52 Books in a Year: Week 1

March 29, 2013

bookI celebrated a birthday this week.  As a gift to myself, I decided to take on a yearlong reading project.
During the next year, I will read 52 books.  You smarty pants’ out there know that’s a book a week.
For week one of my reading project, I read a novel by Chris Cleave called Gold.  I’ve read other books by Cleave – like Little Bee – so I anticipated that I would enjoy it.  And I did.
Kate and Zoe – the main characters of the novel – are friends and rivals.  As competitive cyclists, they share two things in common: 1) a love for the sport and 2) a goal of winning an Olympic gold medal.  The novel pairs competition with an underlying story of friendship, tragedy, and life-altering decisions.  If you’re a cyclist – read this book.  If you love stories with relational twists and turns – read this book.  I highly recommend it.


Picture of Annie Duncan

Annie Duncan