5 Reasons to Attend a Hackathon

July 13, 2011

A hackathon is an event where developers meet to do collaborative computer programming. The term “hackathon”  is a mashup of the programmer slang word hack, and a marathon (you know, that really long distance foot race- 26.2 miles to be precise).  Some companies organize internal hackathons to develop new products and features as quickly as possible. A hackathon can also be a public event that’s open to the entire developer community. Despite the organizer’s goals, the intention of a hackathon is to get a group of developers working on code for a pre-determined period of time with the intention of making something.
This Saturday, July 16th 2011 we are hosting a mobile app hackathon here at thinkspace. The hackathon is a part of AT&T’s developer program, and these events happen in cities all over the country. So far, we have over 150 RSVP’s and a jam-packed schedule. The term “hackathon” may be foreign to some, but to the developer community a hackathon is the ultimate collaborative event.
Here are 5 reasons why you should attend the mobile app hackathon on Saturday:
1. Learn something new
With a room filled with 100+ other developers with backgrounds in all different code languages you’re guaranteed to learn something new.
2. Build something cool
Saturday’s mobile app hackathon is an all day event. You will be creating an app with a team of participants. What’s cooler than creating an idea from scratch and building something in less than 12 hours?
3. Grow your network of resources.
You will have an opportunity to meet tons of other developers with diverse coding expertise. It’s important to form relationships with developers who have different strengths and skills from your own. At some point you will have an idea that you want to develop and you will need a team of people to help you do so.
4. Win something
Prizes will be presented to all of the winning app submissions. If your’s selected your team will win something cool!
5. Have fun
What’s better than spending an entire summer day indoors? Well, participating in a hackathon of course! Each of the 4 reasons above will make this event worth your time. At the very least, you will meet some really great people.
Visit the Eventbrite for more information and to RSVP for AT&T’s Mobile App Hackathon this Saturday.


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