Office Space 2.0 (Part 2): Who uses Shared Office Space & Coworking Space

October 2, 2008

We believe that because we have a dynamic mix of space, we also have a dynamic mix of companies that use our space.  There are many of types of industries and users that recognize the value of shared office space and mix of coworking space.  We are seeing our space work great for:
Industries and types of users:

  • Entrepreneurs (some on their second and third companies)
  • Indies (independents/experts that have left the rat race)
  • Energy companies
  • Finance (banks, financial forecasting, accountants and CPA’s)
  • Health (psychologists, therapists)
  • Technology (web 2.0 startups, IT consultants, cellular networking, social media consultants)
  • Aerospace (aircraft engineering)
  • Real Estate (developers)
  • Staffing and Recruiting
  • Writers and journalists

We are doing our best to operate our our space with sustainable business practices. We have even gone to the length of pursuing LEED certification as our interior space is built to USGBC (United States Green Building Council) LEED standards.  We get people that love the fact that we’re operating in such a manner.  The idea of an easy way of going green with their business really resonates with them.
People using our space recognize that there are so many different types of people and industry experts that they can meet and collaborate with inside our space.  In traditional office space people/businesses are inside their own silos where networking is an activity that they need to “go to”.  A shared office environment fosters networking, it allows it to happen naturally.
If you’re wondering if this kind of space is right for you and your business, come try us out or look for an event inside our space where you can meet us and learn something new to help grow your business.
Read Part 1 of Office Space 2.0 (Part 1) – Paradigm Shift in Office Space.


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