TEDxSeattleSalon: Driving Inclusivity with Anastacia-Renee

It’s amazing when you dream big and then it happens. 20 months ago when I was meeting with my architect Marvin Yamaguchi and space designer Theresa Benny I was sharing with them that I wanted our Lake Union location to be designed with the possibility of holding a TED type of event. I even went […]

Is Your Home Office Costing You Business?

The home office is where a lot of entrepreneurs and startups begin for what I think are obvious reasons: it’s at no cost and a safe place to build. You can take conference calls or meetings either at your desk or off-site at your favorite coffee shop and the flexibility is great. I can’t pretend […]

Why Entrepreneurs Should Write Things Down

Are you familiar with the Youtube rabbit hole where you watch one video that leads into the next and so on so forth and all of a sudden an hour has passed? I’m like that when it comes to reading articles. One article shares information from another *click*. The next has a video with an […]

How I Work with Davor Bonaci, Kaskada

In this edition you’ll be hearing from Davor Bonaci, CEO at Kaskada. Davor has been a member in Seattle since we opened doors. He’s been involved in computer programming since his teenage years and in January 2018 saw an opportunity in data processing and engineering that wasn’t yet being addressed; with his co-founder, he jumped at it […]

Smartphones Keep Your Newsletter Relevant

I’ve been spending a part of my day lately reading up on email marketing; when supporting an entrepreneur, it’s a helpful resource and understanding to have in my arsenal. There are multiple companies and experts in the field of marketing that are a part of the thinkspace community as well, so gaining resources are available […]

Why You Should Keep Learning A Lifelong Priority

Goal crushing attitude. Gratitude. Lifetime learner. These are the three core values at thinkspace. These values resinate with me deeply, both professionally and personally; this compatibility is one of the reasons I love working at thinkspace. There is no project turned down afraid I won’t be able to crush it, we start every morning as […]

3 Ways to Increase Joy as an Entrepreneur

Last month I held SMASH, my monthly administrative meetup at thinkspace, and invited my cohort of executive assistants, senior assistants, office managers and the like, and we explored a topic that drew in great discussion: wellness at work. Though I support the CEO and Founder of thinkspace, I also work as a holistic health and […]

Bring Your Startup to Seattle

If you’re living in Seattle you already know how great of a city it is. We’re close to water in every which way, it’s an easy drive into the mountains for any kind of hike you’re looking for, and our tech scene is impressive–that means jobs. Even more impressive is that Seattle now ranks third […]