What Would I Tell Young Me?

At the EO Accelerator Mixer earlier this week we were fortunate to have Michael Brown, CEO of Affirma, speak to a room full of leading entrepreneurs and share what advice he would tell his younger self. Michael is a seasoned entrepreneur and his company is a PSBJ Fastest Growing Company winner for the last four consecutive years, INC 5000 […]

The big 'fat' launch

Entrepreneurs know what it’s like to be in an environment that changes everyday, and sometimes every minute. To launch a product or service within your budget and on time can feel daunting. Then again, when has a daunting task deterred an entrepreneur? What to Expect During a Launch: Change is the only constant when it […]

Come For The Cookies: How Baking Builds Community

I have a confession to make: I love to bake.  Given the time, any motivation whatsoever (e.g., It’s Thursday!) and enough butter and sugar, I will bake almost compulsively.  I have another confession to make: I don’t particularly care for baked goods.  Of course I will happily have a taste of the browned butter carrot […]

There Are No LEGO Instructions For Your Startup

I just saw LEGO The Movie. This movie successfully transported me back to my childhood but it also tossed me about in the now and future. It had a modern day nostalgic feel to it. For me, it did a great job showing life in a big company as well as in a startup. The […]

Remembering Nick Magnotti and Supporting Alyssa

Over two years ago on 11.11.11 the Seattle community surrounded Nick and Alyssa Magnotti as Nick battled a rare form of cancer. We have all have loved, hoped, cared and prayed for Nick and Alyssa along this journey. This morning Nick passed away. In the spirit of our desire to wrap our arms around Alyssa […]

Shonda Award

Today marks the four month mark of when Shonda McCarty Kearns passed away from cancer on July 22, 2013. With Thanksgiving a week away, I am thankful for Shonda and her friendship. I’ve been feeling strongly about wanting to do something to honor and remember her presence in my life and those that she worked […]

Stop Overthinking It

“You can’t be that kid standing at the top of the water slide, overthinking it. You have to go down the chute.” – Tina Fey

Should you Give Startup Advice [Flowchart] by @ValerieRose

I stumbled into this flowchart by Valerie Coffman, an entrepreneur and data scientist who wrote a blog post “Should you Give Startup Advice” — Valerie says “Clearly, there is widespread confusion on who needs to STFU and who should share their pearls of startup wisdom. To correct this issue, I’ve created the following handy flowchart”. […]

Nilofer Merchant | Scaling a Startup in the Social Era @ thinkspace

Nilofer Merchant, Harvard Press author of “11 Rules for Creating Value in the Social Era”, A TED Speaker, and former CEO of Rubicon. Nilofer has launched more than 100 products that have netted $18 billion dollars… and Nilofer will be speaking at thinkspace tonight! Nilofer is a very important person to me as are her […]