What's your definition of an A Player?
One year ago, I wrote a quick blog post on “What’s your definition of an A Player”. It was just a few sentences. Definition of an A Player: a candidate who has at least a 90 percent chance of achieving a set of outcomes that only 10 percent of possible candidates could achieve. Who cares […]
Recent Grad? 5 Tips for Jumpstarting Your Job Hunt
June is an exciting but nerve-racking time for many graduating seniors. Recent graduates experience all sorts of emotions when approaching graduation day and the following weeks and months after. First, there is the “Woo hoo! I never have to take a final exam ever again!” Then, there is the “Wait, what am I supposed to […]
Rules Without Relationships Leads to Rebellion
Today, I had the privilege of sitting down and watching a talk that Peter recorded while he was at MIT last week. The speaker, Steven Sisler of Sisler Solutions and author of Your Big Desk, spoke on “Leadership and Self-Understanding.” Steve spoke a lot about DISC profiles and how to relate to others, all great […]