''We always marry the wrong person.''
Enter [what’s been on my mind] A recent NY Times article asked, “Is marriage headed for an overhaul?” The author was responding to what experts are saying, that “there is a need to rethink an institution that so often fails.” Some even suggest that short-term marriage contracts may be the answer. But does favoring till […]
Leading From The Middle
Enter [what’s been on my mind] Leadership is important, and among the ever-changing workplace, a new kind of leadership has emerged. The traditional model of hierarchical top-down leadership is effective, but this different type of leadership includes people from the bottom up. Empowering people to lead gives them more than just another responsibility – it […]
Why You Need A Vacation
Tis the season for parties, too much shopping, sweet treats…and the dreaded choice between taking the time to spend with friends and family and getting through that one last project. America is known as the “no-vacation vacation,” as most employees only get a few weeks off per year to take a break and some employers […]
When It’s OK To Say ‘No’
Young startups are especially vulnerable to the negative impact a bad decision has on the future of a company. A large corporation might have a bad product and recover just fine, but a startup depends on every action it takes being a positive step in the right direction. In a world where saying “no” is […]